A Tale of Injustice

7/2/11 Mandatory Vaccines in Costa Rica
I, the author of this document, in the flesh and blood, hereby make the following declaration of truth, facts, testimony, and understanding of circumstances for the purpose and intent of seeking a remedy and cure for any tort, complaint, allegation or breach of contract presented to me. Matthew 5:25; CR constitution article 30.
I am of sound mind and although I may seek counsel of my choice, I do not seek, require or demand a state licenced attorney, nor will I accept any appointment of representation nor waive any rights.
In no way should the intent of this notice be vitiated by way of lack of form, lack of state approved notary signature, lack of state approved stationery as I wish to recieve no state benefits nor create reciprocal obligations for recieving any benefits. As such, this notice will be made as any common man can state his truth. Just as any judicial writ does not fail through defect of form. The intent and facts herein this notice shall not be degraded by clerical error or use of form. 'Breve judicial non cadit defectu forme'.
Although I have made my best effort to offer clear translations; any mistranslation or nebulous term shall not be used to semantically alter the substance of my intentions. 'Mala grammatica non vitiat chartum'.
In this notice I make many references to Biblical Law as we have been made aware by public official that the Laws of Costa Rica respect the Law of God. Thus I recognise the Laws of God to be antecedent, thus supercede the laws of the state unless I expressly consent otherwise to re-liege. 'Nunquam res humanae propere succedunt ubi negliguntur divinae.' Acts 5:29; Constitution CR Article 75.
Although I do make many references to the Constitution of Costa Rica, these are observations and merely corelative or coincidental and for purpose of cognitive awareness only, as I make no constitutional applications or claims nor desire to use the constitution as protective mechanism as the constitution is not a covenant made by me but made by and for its authors. 'Leges suum ligent latorum.'
I make many references in Latin as this language is immutable and not subject to semantic manipulation, thus offers a clear undertanding and path of intent.
As a point of semantic awareness, Patronato Nacional de la Infancia (PANI) , is a man made legal artifice or trust. As such any such legal artifice can only excercise legal action by virtue of lack of performance with contractees. The trust (Pani) is a man made creation which requires grantors / settlors in order for the trustees (PANI officials) to have authority over the beneficiary.
Record of Events:
On June 27th, 2011, a director from the ministry of health, Norma Fernandez, and two officials from Pani, Annia Lorena Duran, Isabel Cristina Videl, accosted me in my home.
As a matter of good record and as a part of insuring correct facts, I videotaped the encounter.
Official Sra. Fernandez explained, as we have been told before on multiple occasions, the benefits of vaccines, and that the vaccines are a matter of public code.
Pani official Annia Lorena Duran further implied that she and other Pani officials would take control of the children above my consent and over my objections, if she and other officials decided to do so.
I asked if they had received the affidavit that had been provided to Ebais #4 in May of this year. Sra. Fernandez confirmed that they had indeed received this document, but either she did not understand it or she believed it did not furnish the ministry with sufficient information or remedy.
I asked the ministry official, Sra. Fernandez, what she failed to understand or what was deficient about my affidavit. Ministry official Fernandez explained that the ministry needed to gain more information so that they could initiate action.
From previous encounters with ministry of Health and Ebais officials, a position of confidentiality and respect of law has been maintained. As such, no dialogue with ministry of health doctors, nurses, or officials has been made public as a point as respectful confidentiality on my part.
However, on this day Pani official Annia Lorena Duran conveyed a deeply disturbing statement of potentially assuming physical control over my children.
As such, I have little choice but to make public all communications, dialogues , and encounters with the ministry as a point of having proper witnessing and transparency of all dealings with said ministries.
Consider your actions after you have been made publicly aware of the following;
I am not aware of any contract with, or legal conveyance of my children to any religious body, corporation or ministry. My children are not registered in any 'Cestui que' trust or ministry of any religious body. My children are not registered with any governmental body and I reserve the right not to be forced into a contractual relationship with any manmade legal artifice. Constitution articles 25, 75, 19, and 11
My children are not numbered nor have I sold them nor conferred them to any religious body whereby any ministry can assume any lawful power over them outside of the powers given to civil authorities in accordance with the authority of the God of Israel.
In effect, my children have been given to me and their lives have been entrusted to me by the God of Israel. I am charged with the responsibility of protecting those lives that they be as I train them in the ways of proper service. My children are not property of the state or any religious body or ministry, nor are they in a state trust or registry. C.R. Constitution article 45; article 21; UN article 17 (2) ; Psalm 127:3-5, Genesis 33:5, Isaiah 8:18, Proverbs 22:6.
I reserve the right of self regulation and responsibility and I do not practice idolatry, nor do place man made gods , idols, democracies, over the God of Israel to govern over me above the authority the God of Israel has bestowed upon them. I do not and cannot practice state religious rituals conducted by its various ministries such as pledges of allegiance and alchemy medical practices such as vaccines.
I do not purport to be a 'sovereign'. CR Article 3
I recognise the sovereignty of the state of CR as well as the sovereignty of the God of Israel. CR article 2.
I am attempting to conduct myself and arrange the conduct of my family in such a way as to follow the rules of both sovereigns for the purpose of being in accordance with rules of peaceful conduct and submission to well heeled government as well as faithful servants to the God of Israel. 'Qui jure suo utitur, nemini facit injuriam.' Acts 5:29.
We do not seek/demand the state to be responisble for our health care, education, pensions, insurances, security and other such social security insurances for these are matters of strict liability. As such the state shall make no assumption that they are to force us to limit that which God gave us as positive Law responsibilities. Therefore, we are strictly liable for these social imperatives under the Laws and guidance of the God of Israel and these responsibilities shall not be confiscated by the color of law. Galatians 6:5, Timothy 5:8.
I have no knowledge of any contracts or quasi contractual obligations that were not made out of duress, coersion, or uneven bargaining power which bind me lawfully. 'L'obligation sans cause, ou sur une fausse cause, ou sur cause illicite, ne peut avoir aucun effet'.
I have no intention to make covenants with, or become contractually obligated with the state's social programs which limit my liabilities and responsibilities by way of article 25 of the Consitution of CR. 1 John 5:21.
I am an Israelite practicing Israelite law as permitted by article 75 of the constitution of C.R.
I do recognise the requirement to submit to the government and Laws of CR when they are in accordance with God's Law for the purpose of peace and order. Romans 13; Acts 5-29.
I do recognise my obligation to follow God's law over man's law when government statutes are not in accordance with God's law. Acts 5:29, Daniel 6:13
To contract, or make covenant (pledge alliegance) with a foreign god for the intention of engaging in activities such as usury, is prohibited by the God of Israel and considered idolatry, thus waives His protection. However, I freely submit to authority on matters criminal and or civil/private contract law. 1st Corinthians 10:12-14, Romans 13:1, Proverbs 22:26, 1 Samuel:8.
We would be in violation of Gods idolatry laws (First commandment) if we were to pledge allegiance to a new liege (King or rule maker) or contract with a new sovereign which would in effect replace God's social covenants with new political social policies that burden other men by shifting my responsibilities to other men. Galatians 6:5, 1 Timothy 5:8, 1 Corinthians 3:8.
I refuse to covet other peoples property or wealth by demanding the state become responsible financially and redistribute my neighbors wealth for my benefit. Exodus 20:17
If any man or officer of the body politic is damaged by my application of Law, please allow that individual to make claim and that any writ of habeas corpus be satisfied, so that I make immediate offer to re-concile voluntarily, for I am unaware of any such complaints or charges from any individual man. If any corporate entity, juristic artifice, group, association , or body of men is claiming a breach of contract in equity, please allow that entity to bring forth the contract in question as subject matter jurisdiction, that it may be examined, and that I may offer voluntary opportunity to respond for the purpose of just reconciliation. If such claim is made, but not volunteered to me that I may understand, and observe the lawfullness of such claim, a subponena duces tecum, plea in abatement and general demand for a bill of particulars will be my only recourse. Article 48.
Be it known that we have acted in accordance with all laws and attended promptly to any charge, citation or summons presented to us. In any controversy, we present ourselves voluntarily and with out prejudice; that the matter may have a swift resolution. No undue force will be required in any dealing with us. Article 37.
I have no knowledge of damaging any entity, real or artificial.
I have no intent to damage any entity, real or artificial.
I object to any summary judgement that damages me and/or my family prior to my making first opportunity to excercise a reconciliation through due process, in the form of verified complaints, writ of habeas corpus, knowledge of jurisdictional venue (civil/criminal), and the just examination of any presummed contracts.
I understand the State of CR is a man made association empowered by the consent of the people of this nation to carry out the laws of the state and such an organization cannot have more power than that of its individual creators. 'Derivita potestas non potest esse major primativa'.
If no damages to a man in the flesh are presented, then I can assume only damages to an artificial entity are available to pursue and that such damages are civil damages and the result of broken covenants.
I understand that the government is charged with the responsibility of adjudicating both criminal and civil breaches.
I understand that damages to a man in the flesh or violations of God's Law are crimes 'mal en se' and no contracts may be involved. However crimes 'en prohibita' or crimes against stautes where no habeas corpus is evident, result in civil (private law) adjudication. If a breach of a public code is the case, then such application requires that contract is involved.
If the public code is in violation of Gods Laws, then the code must be consented to by way of covenant and agreement, allowing the creation of a superior covenant with a new sovereign understanding that the state codes may be in effect. Article 75, 19, Acts 5:29.
To freely reject association with any assembly does not suffer restriction as any forced association might imply coersion which the state regards as 'illegal'. Article 25, article 11.
I believe it to be a fact that the constitution of Costa Rica is not subject to random manipulation or exclusion by officials under article 121(7), when the issue does not involve "crimes in se", or breach of Biblical law, but conversely, the adherance to Biblical Law. Article 11.
I believe it to be a fact that the functionaries and officials are bound to obey the rules set forth in the constitution as a prior condition to any subsequent new agreements or contracts. CR articles 11;18.
Previously I made no waiver of judicial contract enforcement and , although the state would have to take notice of such waiver under articles 27; 11, no such demand to take notice or act accordingly was made by us for fear of creating a reciprocal obligation as the state (or officials) would have to expend energy and time on behalf of my notice. I have no expecation for the state or state officials or citizcens of this country to be burdened by my actions.
I rigidly adhere to non-political , non religious activities espoused in articles 28, 19, 75 and a notice of the aforementioned doctrine may have been construed as having an agenda or political influence on other people. As such, we made no prior notice to avoid demonstrable political /religious agendas.
At this time I wish the court to take notice that I waive all rights to use the court to secure contractual agreements in commercial or civil matters as this is the nature of God's will over me. However, as a point of transparency and decency , this notice will be issued to the court for the purpose of allowing the court first opportunity of heeling, educating and controlling public servants. Matthew 5:39
Sra. Fernandez affirmed that she had indeed reviewed the history of, and was cognitive of our previous encounters with the ministry of health.
After reviewing previous declarations and dialogues , ministry official Fernandez and Pani official Sra. Viquez expressed intent to expand their authority beyond constitutional limitations and under the color of law proceed to harass and coerce.
When public officials display such behavior of incorrigibility, commoners such as myself must view this with extreme caution and take steps to protect both the Law as well as the people in danger.
As such, any actions of state officials operating outside of constitutional or Scriptural limitations that potentially disrupt the lives of me or my family, either physically or psychologically, will be treated as a tort. CR Const. article 45, article 21.
In no way do I relinquish authority, nor custody of my children to the state and in no way is the state to assume my children as chattles for salvage or maritime prizes for the purpose of confiscation. Any such act will be viewed as an unlawfull taking. Article 45; Ephisians 6:1-4; Exodus 20:15, 21:16.
As all ministries are legal artifices and non self referencing entities, the ' ministries ' have no power to act in the physical world without representation and offices of human intervention. Thus, any 'official' acting outside of constitutional or Scriptural authority will be acting as a private individual making the personal decision to self appoint themselves above and beyond their position as 'public servant'.
As a point of further clarification, I wish to make the court and the ministries aware in plain language that they lack jursidiction in personam. My family and I have no personas , cedulas , nor contractual obligations with the state of Costa Rica.
For the record, I DO NOT REFUSE the vaccines, I am prohibited from the use of such, lest the ministry can offer written verification that the God of Israel mandates the use of these chemicals in lieu of His Law. (Arguementum ab possibili plurimum valet in lege. Impossibilium nulla obligatio est.)
This notice and a complete record of events from 2002 forward now sit in trust at various points in Costa Rica as well as world wide. It has been CC'd to the local civil court as well as various other interested parties in confidence.
If due process is not observed, this document as well as a complete compilation of history of event will be released to media outlets world wide as a point of public service and transparency.
I believe that due to the unusual circumstances involved, the officials in question lack mens rea, due to their dramatic ignorance of facts . Although the ignorance of Law is no excuse, the ignorance of facts is excusable. ( Ignorantia excusatur non juris sed facti.)
I offer first opportunity for the ministry officials in party to this notice to recant their positions , that we all live in peace and harmony under Law.